Active Kids 2.0

This pitch is closed
Larissa Maloney

Active Kids 2.0

Founder Larissa Maloney

Meet the Founder


  • Darryl Manning

    Darryl Manning

    Be the Winner❣

  • Giancarlo Brotto

    Giancarlo Brotto

    The world needs more of you to activate our kids! Let's start by getting more of your great programs to the rest of the world : )

  • Cheryl Walker

    Cheryl Walker

    I'm so proud of my neice, showing that she has a heart for the children of the world, and their parents. This is a great way of showing encouragement and care that staying healthy is vital to the growth of the society. Hoping she gets picked to increase her efforts.

  • RD

    Richard Dozier

    High energy presentation

  • TD

    Tanya Dozier

    This looks like a great family activity - a healthy way to be present with your children

  • Carla Burgoyne

    Carla Burgoyne

    Amazing well done !!!