Active Kids 2.0

This pitch is closed
Larissa Maloney

Active Kids 2.0

Founder Larissa Maloney

Meet the Founder


  • WW

    Wray Woodley

    Good Luck Wray

  • Janett Colon

    Janett Colon

    Exposing our kids and nurturing them from the safety and comfort of our home is important in today’s world

  • EH

    Evingerlean Hudson

    Thank you for what you do to change the world. Keep going, Sis! Keep going!

  • Daniel Roth

    Daniel Roth

    Love Active Kids 2.0 go Larissa!!

  • Alexa Carlin

    Alexa Carlin

    You got this!!

  • CM

    Cynthia Manning

    Fitness rules❣