
Nyla Choates is a Junior English major at Spelman College from Milpitas California. She is the President of the Spelman Entrepreneurship Club, a 2023 Mcdonald's Black & Positively Golden Changeleader, a Blackstone Launchpad Fellow, and Target Scholar.
She has been making waves in the world of entrepreneurship and social change as the author, founder, and CEO of the children’s brand My Roots Are Rich. She came up with My Roots Are Rich after realizing that Black students are only being taught a snippet of Black history in the classrooms-most of that time being the negative parts. Leading Black students to feel inadequate and poorly represented in school settings.

This is how she came up with her solution, My Roots Are Rich- a children’s brand that empowers inspires, and educates young kids about their rich history. Her brand gives children the POSITIVE representation they deserve! And she's now on a mission to not only give children the positive representation in the books that they read, but also in the clothes they wear, and toys they play with! With your help we can turn this vision into a reality!

Join us in choosing to plant the seeds that you want to see grow forever!