Trap Cardio

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Ashley Redwood

Trap Cardio

Founder Ashley Redwood

Meet the Founder


  • Tamara Scott

    Tamara Scott

    Trap Cardio makes you want to workout. It is fun, and it feels like a dance party rather than an exercise class. AD is an amazing person and her energy is infectious. We are family and we are in this thing together!!

  • Tracey Silas-Patterson

    Tracey Silas-Patterson

    AD has helped me break through some fitness goals. Watching her transformation is amazing!!!

  • Trinier Marsh

    Trinier Marsh

    Let’s get this Trappers!!!!!

  • Roberta Tolen

    Roberta Tolen

    I am so blessed to have been introduced to Trap Cardio last year. I workout virtually with my Trap Cardio Cuzzins and best friends several days a week. Trap Cardio makes fitness fun and has strengthened the bond of our friendship. Thanks AD and the Trap Cardio Brand Ambassadors! #KeepTrappin

  • Keiondra Thomas

    Keiondra Thomas

    The power & beauty of Trap Cardio is found in the community of cousins globally. TC serves as an encouragement to love and accept “EVERY BODY”. It’s a family affair. And nothing beats it. 🥰

  • Monique Kimani

    Monique Kimani

    Way to go Ashley! Wishing you nothing but continued growth and success as you make fitness fun for so many who would not have gotten up off the couch otherwise!