Miracle Allums is a Licensed Psychotherapist and a fierce advocate for holistic wellness. As a part of her journey with holistic wellness, she became a Labor and Postpartum Doula, a Reiki II Practitioner of both western and eastern lineages of Reiki and a Registered Yoga Teacher. In May 2020, she launched The Mossy Mob, a premium sea moss and wellness company that provides a complete and high-quality plant-based supplement with tasty and creative infusions to support optimal health and wellness shipped straight to your door.
Founder Miracle Allums
Meet the FounderTiana P
Good job with everything!
Antonette Velasquez
Lifetime Mobster!
April Stevenson
Well done. Think outside of the box and use your expertise as a gateway to sell more moss
Chantel Chantel
Love the passion. I'm in the same industry and hope to see you at the top!
Erica Harding
Congratulations! You did wonderful! If you are looking for apparel, please look up Lizzmore.com (Lizzmore Womenswear) Erica- BGV DC
Linda Brown
Congratulations. Your personality is so inviting. May you soar as you dream BIGGER. Many blessings.