
This pitch is closed
Ariel Lee


Remane provides women and men with kinky-curly hair with data-driven hair-care regimens. The process of navigating the hair-care marketplace is often frustrating and confusing. An individual with curly hair often must go to specialty stores filled with 100’s of products and try and find a product that will work for their concerns and goals. Instead of flooding the market with more creams, we have co-created an assessment with hair specialists that looks at a person's lifestyle, hair variables, goals, concerns, and preferences and creates a unique hair profile for them. With this hair profile, we help them plan their month out shampoos, styles, and anything in between we recommend the best routine to help them achieve their goals.

Founder Ariel Lee

Meet the Founder


  • Waziri Garuba

    Waziri Garuba

    Always a pleasure. Fingers crossed for you all.

  • Mbere Imani

    Mbere Imani

    Good luck!

  • Evelyn Jones

    Evelyn Jones

    I love this approach to hair care!

  • Jahn Almojera

    Jahn Almojera

    Love you sis, you got this!!

  • DC

    David Conforti

    Woo hoo! Fingers crossed!!!

  • David Stone

    David Stone
