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Chelsea VonChaz


Activist & educator Chelsea VonChaz founded the first Black menstrual movement in the U.S. Inspired by the state of people with wombs and her advocacy work within the wellness sector, Chelsea has launched Menärchē. Menärchē is a wellness center prioritizing people with periods, providing educational resources and a shame-free shopping experience.

Founder Chelsea VonChaz

Meet the Founder


  • Cherry Warner

    Cherry Warner

    You are simply an amazing beautiful soul ❤️

  • Rachel Horn

    Rachel Horn

    Yes, Chelsea!

  • Raven Cross

    Raven Cross

    I am in awe of both you and your brand!! You are doing amazing things for women! Keep it up sis!!

  • Terrence Holden

    Terrence Holden

    Wishing you the best! -Terrence

  • Coach Gessie

    Coach Gessie

    You’re doing amazing work!

  • chaz pringle

    chaz pringle

    Congrats to you!!! Super proud of you 🙏🏾