Lions Mane Beauty Supply X The Hair App

Lions Mane Beauty Supply X The Hair App
This pitch is closed
Peyton Walter

Lions Mane Beauty Supply X The Hair App

Hi! I am Peyton Walter, a Senior at Langston University. I founded my HBCU’s first brick-and-mortar beauty supply, Lion's Mane Beauty Supply, at the age of 20, and effectively bridged a 40-mile gap to the nearest beauty supply. We pride ourselves in being “More Than Beauty” because we empower the multifaceted beauty of Black women. I created The Hair App powered by Lion's Mane Beauty Supply to empower and educate Black women about their haircare. The Hair App is the first tech-driven black haircare app that provides personalized and interactive easy, educational videos that teach black women how to style and maintain healthy hair.

Founder Peyton Walter

Meet the Founder


  • AD

    Andre Dior

    Whoop them

  • TW

    T Walte


  • IC

    Imani Chambers

    We love you

  • DW

    Dre W

    Make it happen

  • JP

    Jessica Presley

    Congratulations Peyton! This is big for the LU and You!

  • PW

    Pasley Walter
